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Untangling Graphs on Surfaces

Consider a graph drawn on a surface (for example, the plane minus a finite set of obstacle points), possibly with crossings. We provide an algorithm to decide whether such a drawing can be untangled, namely, if one can slide the vertices and edges of the graph on the surface (avoiding the obstacles) to remove all crossings; in other words, whether the drawing is homotopic to an embedding. While the problem boils down to planarity testing when the surface is the sphere or the disk (or equivalently the plane without any obstacle), the other cases have never been studied before, except when the input graph is a cycle, in an abundant literature in topology and more recently by Despr\'e and Lazarus [SoCG 2017, J. ACM 2019]. Our algorithm runs in O(m + poly(g+b) n log n) time, where g >= 0 and b >= 0 are the genus and the number of boundary components of the input orientable surface S, and n is the size of the input graph drawing, lying on some fixed graph of size m cellularly embedded on S. We use various techniques from two-dimensional computational topology and from the theory of hyperbolic surfaces. Most notably, we introduce reducing triangulations, a novel discrete analog of hyperbolic surfaces in the spirit of systems of quads by Lazarus and Rivaud [FOCS 2012] and Erickson and Whittlesey [SODA 2013], which have the additional benefit that reduced paths are unique and stable upon reversal; they are likely of independent interest. Tailored data structures are needed to achieve certain homotopy tests efficiently on these triangulations. As a key subroutine, we rely on an algorithm to test the weak simplicity of a graph drawn on a surface by Akitaya, Fulek, and T\'oth [SODA 2018, TALG 2019].

Automated cross-sectional view selection in CT angiography of aortic dissections with uncertainty awareness and retrospective clinical annotations

Surveillance imaging of patients with chronic aortic diseases, such as aneurysms and dissections, relies on obtaining and comparing cross-sectional diameter measurements along the aorta at predefined aortic landmarks, over time. The orientation of the cross-sectional measuring planes at each landmark is currently defined manually by highly trained operators. Centerline-based approaches are unreliable in patients with chronic aortic dissection, because of the asymmetric flow channels, differences in contrast opacification, and presence of mural thrombus, making centerline computations or measurements difficult to generate and reproduce. In this work, we present three alternative approaches – INS, MCDS, MCDbS – based on convolutional neural networks and uncertainty quantification methods to predict the orientation (ϕ,θ) of such cross-sectional planes. For the monitoring of chronic aortic dissections, we show how a dataset of 162 CTA volumes with overall 3273 imperfect manual annotations routinely collected in a clinic can be efficiently used to accomplish this task, despite the presence of non-negligible interoperator variabilities in terms of mean absolute error (MAE) and 95% limits of agreement (LOA). We show how, despite the large limits of agreement in the training data, the trained model provides faster and more reproducible results than either an expert user or a centerline method. The remaining disagreement lies within the variability produced by three independent expert annotators and matches the current state of the art, providing a similar error, but in a fraction of the time.

Open Access
Towards clinical applicability and computational efficiency in automatic cranial implant design: An overview of the AutoImplant 2021 cranial implant design challenge.

Cranial implants are commonly used for surgical repair of craniectomy-induced skull defects. These implants are usually generated offline and may require days to weeks to be available. An automated implant design process combined with onsite manufacturing facilities can guarantee immediate implant availability and avoid secondary intervention. To address this need, the AutoImplant II challenge was organized in conjunction with MICCAI 2021, catering for the unmet clinical and computational requirements of automatic cranial implant design. The first edition of AutoImplant (AutoImplant I, 2020) demonstrated the general capabilities and effectiveness of data-driven approaches, including deep learning, for a skull shape completion task on synthetic defects. The second AutoImplant challenge (i.e., AutoImplant II, 2021) built upon the first by adding real clinical craniectomy cases as well as additional synthetic imaging data. The AutoImplant II challenge consisted of three tracks. Tracks 1 and 3 used skull images with synthetic defects to evaluate the ability of submitted approaches to generate implants that recreate the original skull shape. Track 3 consisted of the data from the first challenge (i.e., 100 cases for training, and 110 for evaluation), and Track 1 provided 570 training and 100 validation cases aimed at evaluating skull shape completion algorithms at diverse defect patterns. Track 2 also made progress over the first challenge by providing 11 clinically defective skulls and evaluating the submitted implant designs on these clinical cases. The submitted designs were evaluated quantitatively against imaging data from post-craniectomy as well as by an experienced neurosurgeon. Submissions to these challenge tasks made substantial progress in addressing issues such as generalizability, computational efficiency, data augmentation, and implant refinement. This paper serves as a comprehensive summary and comparison of the submissions to the AutoImplant II challenge. Codes and models are available at
